Change the World? Change Your Mind!

Think there isn’t possibly anything you can contribute that would actually make an impact on the world? Lots of girls feel that way -- but back it up! You totally can make a diff -- and it’s easier than you think. Right here, we show you how to take some small steps toward big changes:
1. Think Positive!
Sounds like a cliché, but there truly is power in positive thinking. Whether you want to make moolah for a favorite charity or collect winter coats for needy kids, get pumped by being your own personal cheerleader. Instead of saying to yourself, “I can’t,” go for, “I will!” Gimme a W-I-L-L!
2. Have Fun With It…
Whatever it is you want to pull off, don’t think of it as work. Stay inspired by having a good time with your project. Even if your cause is serious, there’s no good reason for bogging it down with negative energy. Paint fun, colorful posters to publicize your fund-raising event, for example…and crank up the music while you’re at it!
3. Throw a Fit
We don’t want to give you the impression that you have to toss confetti around some huge event in doing your part to help shift the world. That is so not necessary! Get involved in a way that is fitting to you. Your organizational skills aren’t all that, but you’re a talented writer? Penning a piece for the school newspaper might seem small to some, but each person’s small part counts in a BIG way!
4. Just Smile
You can spread amazing vibes even when there is no event or volunteer opp. Simply make a conscious daily effort to be pleasant -- to strangers, neighbors, parents and, yes, even annoying siblings. Pay attention to what happens. Smiling is contagious!
5. Make Peace with Frenemies
Try this as a little experiment: Do something subtle but nice for someone you don’t get along with so well. Send a birthday greeting or get-well card, or extend a party invite. Or just say “hi” instead of scowling when you see this person in the school hallway. If you’re genuine and sincere, and not pushy, you’ll see the tension dissolve within weeks. Guaranteed. World peace isn’t only on a global scale -- start by making nice in your world!
Photo: Corbis Images