Worst-case School Scenarios

So you finally get your period … but it’s right in the middle of class. Or your bra breaks while you’re running laps in gym. Or you forgot to put on deodorant before school … and you stink! These simple lessons will help you deal with some of the worst possible scenarios while in school.
Worst-case Scenario No. 1: You get your first period during class … and it’s leaked through your clothes!
Lesson No. 1: Have an emergency plan.
Ask to be excused from class to go to the school nurse. If you or a friend has a sweater or jacket, wrap it around your waist. If you can, make a stop in the girls’ bathroom to wipe up “down there,” then fold some clean tissue and place it in the crotch of your undies until you get to the nurse.
But before any of this happens, try to plan ahead. Consider wearing a panty liner to school each day and having a locker stash that includes the following: high-absorbency pads, tampons, clean underpants, deodorant, safety pins and breath mints. This emergency kit can save you from a bunch of embarrassing scenarios, and you’ll see it pop up again and again throughout this article. So read on to save yourself. …
Worst-case Scenario No. 2: You totally forgot to put deodorant on this a.m. Ew, what’s that smell?
Lesson No. 2: Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Whether it’s your period or body odor or whatever else, don’t panic. Making a scene will only draw unwanted attention to the matter, so try to keep it on the down low. Remember, you’re in a crowded classroom, so nobody knows for sure if you’re the one who’s … well, stinkin’.
As soon as you can get a bathroom break, go into a stall and use tissues to wipe excess sweat from your armpits. Do this as often as you can throughout the day. Or … get to your locker stash from Lesson No. 1, and discreetly toss your deodorant in your backpack on the way to the girls’ room.
Worst-case Scenario No. 3: You’re in gym class -- and your bra strap snaps!
Lesson No. 3: Know when to cut out.
First, remember Lesson No. 2: Don’t freak! And if you haven’t yet taken heed of Lesson No. 1 (safety pins are handy for mending all sorts of wardrobe malfunctions), it might be time to have a parent come to the rescue.
Whether you have a broken bra, a busted zipper or pants that are split clear down the rear -- leaving all your business hanging out! -- teachers should allow you to sit this one out and call home. Ask your mom or dad to bring you whatever clothing you need to cover your stuff before returning to class.
Worst-case Scenario No. 4: Your crush finally talks to you, but you have killer bad breath from those cafeteria tacos.
Lesson No. 4: Remember what you’ve learned.
Lesson No. 1: Got breath mints? Grab ’em!
Lesson No. 2: Keep your cool.
Lesson No. 3: Smile and walk away while saying, “Gotta get to class! I’ll talk to you later, OK?”}