Get Fit Through Winter!

Just like the weather, some girls’ activity levels turn sluggish when the winter blows in. But no more using the big chill as an excuse to camp out on the couch! We have some fantastic ideas for getting fit indoors during the frosty season -- without having to pay for a ridiculously expensive gym membership.
Get Fit by Going to the Mall
Walking is great exercise, and a shopping mall serves as an excellent indoor track. Grab a friend and do a lap around each level of the mall. Oh, and take the stairs -- not the elevator! Pick up a pedometer (usually available at dollar stores) to gauge your mileage, and add several more steps to your route each week. Reward yourself with some shopping once you’ve met your goal.
Get Fit in Front of the TV
Don’t just veg out on the sofa. Hit the floor for some sit-ups and pushups while you watch TV. Turn on a dance show, or a music channel, and bust a move. Play Wii, or pop in an exercise DVD. (Some libraries lend DVDs out for free or a small fee.) If you have on-demand cable, surf the menu to see if any exercise programs are offered. You can even jog in place or do jumping jacks -- just no cartwheels in the house, please!
Get Fit by Staying After School
Take advantage of after-school sports programs. Try out for the basketball team or the indoor soccer league. Take tumbling lessons. Learn karate. If your school doesn’t have programs that interest you, check with a local recreational council. You can also organize your own activity: Ask school officials if you and your friends can use the gymnasium for a weekly just-for-fun game of kickball.
Get Fit While Scoring Points
Want to score points with the parents? Offer to help around the house! Your mom will be shocked when she sees you vacuuming, dusting, folding laundry ... whoa. Not so sure you want to sign up for this? Look, tackling household chores might not be your idea of a fun workout routine -- but it really does flex muscles and burn calories. So consider it a triple-doozie of an investment: You’ll get fit, have a clean room and maybe earn more privileges when your parents see how responsible you’ve become.