Teen CelebsÂ’ Most Embarrassing Moments

We rounded up the stories about the times that made your favorite teen stars cringe, right here. Get ready to LOL!
Selena Gomez takes a spill.
Selena Gomez of “Wizards of Waverly Place” loves her fans, but she also adores footwear. When she decided to brave a set of stairs in a pair of killer heels to meet up with some admirers, things didn’t quite go as planned. Here’s what she told reporters at a red-carpet movie premiere: “I was doing a live taping of my show, and I fell because I was wearing these high heels down the stairs after saying hi to my fans. That was pretty bad.”
Justin Bieber gets bashful.
He’s a home-schooled pop phenom now, but before Justin Bieber blew up, he attended a regular school and had regular kid probs. “I was in class doing a project, and one of my best friends thought it would be funny if he would kind of change my project around,” Justin told a teen mag. “He put a picture of something stupid on it, and everyone started laughing at me. I felt really bad.”
Taylor Swift has tall troubles.
Country singer Taylor Swift is a towering beauty, but sometimes her height can lead to some really awkward moments. “I’ll always be hitting my head on the side of a car or going through door,” she once admitted to a music reporter. “I think I’ve gotten minor concussions from hitting my head on things.”
Miranda Cosgrove’s pal pulls a prank.
Miranda Cosgrove and her BFF were spying on a guy when the “iCarly” star’s friend pulled a fast one! “My best friend and I, we’re always driving by this guy’s house she really likes,” Miranda told a magazine. “This time, she was begging me to walk up to his house to see if he was home. So I got out of the car and went up to look into the house like a total stalker, and she drove away pretending to leave me there! She came back like 30 seconds later, but I thought she had abandoned me.”
Josh Hutcherson has not-so-smooth moves.
“The Hunger Games” star Josh Hutcherson should have no problem impressing dates, but he recently confessed that he could use a little more finesse in the cuddle department. In a magazine interview, he talked about trying to get close to a girl he liked, when a fumble nearly ruined the evening! “I was on a date, and we were sitting at dinner,” explained Josh. “I tried to put my arm around her -- I was doing the yawn thing where you lift your arms up. As I did that, I hit the table and spilled a drink.”
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