Foods to Boost Your Moods!

Scientists study some pretty cool stuff. Seriously -- they’ve even figured out what foods have the power to make you feel happier when you eat ’em. Read on to find out what packs the biggest mood-boosting punch -- along with yummy recipes to work more of them into your routine.

The Food: Walnuts
Whether homework overload or fights with your mom have been plucking your nerves, walnuts are your new BFF. When people snack on a few of these nuts each day, their bods actually get better at coping with stress.
The Fix: Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top of your cereal in the a.m., or use them to add crunch to ice cream or fro-yo.

The Food: Bell Peppers
These veggies are packed with vitamin C, which is shown to give a serious pick-me-up. Make sure to stick with the red and yellow ones, though -- green peppers don’t come with as much of the feel-good nutrient.
The Fix: Cut peppers into strips and dip them in your favorite hummus or yogurt dip.

The Food: Strawberries
These fruity kisses just happen to be loaded with a little something called folate, which helps your bod produce more of the blues-beating hormone serotonin.
The Fix: Treat yourself to a yummy smoothie by blending frozen strawberries with milk and a banana.

The Food: Toast
One whiff of this bad boy gets you feeling zen -- pronto. According to a recent study, the scent of toast makes people feel happy instantly!
The Fix: Skip dessert tonight. Instead, have a slice of toast with a chocolate-hazelnut spread.

The Food: Salmon
Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acid, a type of fat that’s actually good for you. Why? It boosts brain power and fights off depression.
The Fix: Make a salmon-salad wrap by mixing a can of drained salmon with some low-fat mayo and a bit of chopped celery, then roll it up in a flour tortilla.

The Food: Water
OK, so H2O isn’t technically a food -- but it can help perk up your day! Since dehydration causes fatigue and all-around crankiness, loading up on the clear liquid helps you avoid a case of the blahs.
The Fix: Throw a few fresh mint leaves in a glass of ice water and add a couple of squirts of lime juice for something you’ll love sipping all day long.

The Food: Chocolate
It’s true -- the sweet stuff really can reduce stress! The catch: It’s gotta be dark chocolate. Also, you probably want to stick to 1 ounce a day so you don’t overload on sugar.
The Fix: Melt down a bar in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds until smooth. Then dip pretzels, marshmallows -- whatever! -- and let them sit on wax paper until hardened.

Adventures in Feminine Hygiene

Being a girl isn’t always easy. When it comes to feminine hygiene, there’s lots of room for major embarrassment! Here, real girls dish on their most mortifying moments. (All you can do is laugh about it, right?)

Mood Monitor
My little sister had this kid over to play Wii with her, and he had to use the toilet. I had a box of pads on the bathroom sink, and the boy asked my sister what was in the box. She said, “Oh, those? They’re just those things Claudia puts in her underpants when she’s in a bad mood.” Nice. -- Claudia, 14

Pray Tell!
This is the most embarrassing thing ever! I got my period while I was at church, but I didn’t have anything with me. It hadn’t gotten on my dress, so I folded up some toilet paper and placed it in the crotch of my underwear. I walked (pretty fast) back to the pew to tell my mom we had to leave. As she and I were heading up the aisle toward the exit, I saw it. ... The bloody tissue had fallen out of my undies and onto the floor! My mother nonchalantly knelt down, scooped it up and slipped it into her purse. Bless her! -- Kara, 13

Landing Pad
When I was at the skating rink when I was about 6 years old, I noticed the dispenser in the ladies room and put some coins in to find out what it was. Two maxi pads came out, but I thought they were kneepads! I stuck them to my knees, and went onto the rink. I was skating like that for a while before my aunt pulled me aside and took them off. Later that night, my mom had “the period talk” with me. -- Sandy, 15

Stick Figure
I was ready to try tampons, so my mom bought me some. Everybody had told me that it doesn’t hurt, that I wouldn’t even feel it. But it felt really awkward! I decided to wait and see if I got used to it. I was walking around the house looking all stiff when my big sister was like, “What is wrong with you?” I told her about the tampon, and she said, “Something is not right.” She showed me the directions on the tampon box, and it turned out I had left in part of the cardboard applicator. Stupid, but now I’m a pro! -- Camryn, 13

All About Your Period and Other Body Blunders

Wondering what’s up with that hair growing … where!?! Ew, are those (gulp) stretch marks? And why is your period so darn unpredictable? Stop scratching your head and keep reading as we clear up some of the confusion.

“I got my first period (finally) and then … nothing. It’s been about three months, and I haven’t gotten it again. Is this normal?”

It’s not unusual at all for your period to “sputter” after making its first appearance. For some girls, it just takes time for their bodies to adjust and get into a rhythm. If you don’t menstruate again at the one-year mark, ask a parent to make you an appointment with a gynecologist. Your body gave you a little preview of what’s to come, but your menstrual cycle should fall into a regular pattern as puberty progresses. If you’re an older teen, around 16 or 17, see your doc now to make sure something isn’t delaying your development. But many girls are simply late-bloomers, and that’s not a bad thing.

“Some hairs have suddenly sprouted, um, around my nipples. I haven’t told anyone about this. Help, please!”

Surprise! During puberty, you will begin to grow hair in places you’ve never had it before, particularly under the arms and in the pubic area. And, yes, some girls sprout a few around their boobs, so don’t be freaked. This might go away as your hormones settle down, but it could be ongoing. Still, it’s no biggie, especially if the hair is fine in texture and light in color. But if it’s dark and coarse -- and really bothers you -- talk to your mom or other mature female relative about bleaching or using an over-the-counter depilatory. If “some hair” means a whole bunch, show your doctor so he can check for a hormonal imbalance.

“I’ve noticed some red lines around my hips. I think they might be stretch marks -- and they’re ugly! What should I do?”

Yep, those sound like stretch marks -- but don’t distress. Lots of girls (and guys) develop stretch marks during spurts when the skin just can’t keep up with the rest of the body’s growth. First, the bad news: There’s absolutely nothing you can do about them. But the good news is this: They will naturally fade over time from that standout purplish-red color to a much less noticeable translucent hue that’s closer to your skin tone. Stretch marks, just like irregular periods and unwanted hair growth, are a fact of life for many girls. Don’t dwell on slight imperfections -- instead, embrace all your beautiful attributes!

Make Peace With Your Body

Jealous that your BFF can eat half a dozen cupcakes without gaining an ounce? Or maybe you hate your muscle-thick thighs because you want lanky legs like Taylor Swift’s. Or have you been wishing really hard that your boobs were … different?

Fat butt, pointy boobs, muffin top … stop that right now! As they say in Hollywood, image is everything. And if you have a positive self-image, you’ll project that. It’s totally true that when you feel good, you look good. Here’s how to love and embrace your body -- and stop wishing you had someone else’s.

Body Slam: “I’m so fat!”
Here’s something any naturally skinny girl will tell you: “I hate my [fill in the blank].” Just because bony chicks never (seem to) gain weight doesn’t mean they don’t have their own gripes. They might think they have ugly feet or big ears or wish they had a “better” butt. Get it?

Image Makeover:
Did you know the average age a female starts dieting is 8 years old? Isn’t that hard to read? Girl, let’s eat! But let’s not devour a whole row of cookies. Simply eat until you’re full at meals. Hint: This does not mean feeling like you’re about to burst.

Body Slam: “No amount of exercise will change my shape.”

Actually, it will. Giving up is the main reason people fail to meet their exercise goals. A few weeks of some bo-ring fitness regimen, and your brain muscle is associating the whole deal with suffering. No wonder it feels like a lost cause.

Image Makeover:
Ever notice how groups of athletes have similar body builds? Swimmer guys -- rawr! -- with broad, built shoulders? Lean soccer players? Ballerinas and B-girls? This is because they repeatedly use the same muscle groups. If you play to your bod’s strengths, you’ll love how it develops. But take up activities you enjoy. Hit Skateland for weekly open rink sessions. Ride your bike for a half hour every day. Dance to your favorite music vids. Bust a move!

Body Slam: “Celebs are all so much better looking than me.”

Taylor Swift is pretty, and the record execs who pick teen sensations took one look at her and saw dollar signs. Taylor wasn’t put into the recording studio just because of her voice -- the industry wanted you to covet her looks. And it worked. You love those legs, that hair, whatever … and you buy her music. You feeling bad about yourself because she is cute makes no sense.

Image Makeover:
Taylor works it, but even she has insecurities. She’s said she feels like she towers over guys. She also fights frizzies. She has her crud, you have yours -- all girls do! And not to be mean, but ever notice how Taylor gets dumped by all her dudes? Long legs aren’t everything.

Body Slam: “I hate my boobs!”

Teens are especially hard on themselves about their boobs because, well, they’re very new to you. It’s only been a minute, but already you wish they were bigger or smaller or had different nipples. Enough!

Image Makeover:
Who are these “perfect” boobs for? Your to-do: Buy the prettiest, best-fitting bra you can find and think of it as part of the whole boobie package. Boobs come in all fabulous shapes and sizes, so stop with the self-sabotage.

A GirlÂ’s First Shaving Lesson

You want to have smooth legs, silky underarms and a clean bikini line -- but you’re completely clueless? Not anymore. Read on:

Girls’ Shaving Tip No. 1: How to Ask Mom

What’s a girl to do about this hairy situation? There’s no “right” age to begin shaving. Some girls start younger because their hair is dark, while others wait a little longer. The best way to bring it up to your mom is to ask when she first started shaving. Then say, “Some of my friends shave. Do you think I’m ready?”

Girls’ Shaving Tip No. 2: Realize It’s a Choice

Getting rid of body hair is not required. A lot of girls choose not to shave because they think it’s a hassle. Some girls shave only in the summer, and others shave just their pits to prevent underarm odor. Don’t shave because your friends do. If you decide to shave, do it because it’s what you want. When your friends ask about it, just tell them you don’t want to be a slave to the shave!

Girls’ Shaving Tip No. 3: Know Your Stuff

First, buy a good razor. It doesn’t need to be super-expensive -- go for an affordable one that lets you replace the blade heads. We like those with triple blades and a pivoting head.

Many girls shave in the shower. But when you’re first starting out, shaving your legs by sitting on the edge of the tub might be easier. Here’s how:

1.  Dampen legs with a wet washcloth. Never shave legs when they’re dry.

2.  Slather on shaving gel, plain soap or bodywash.

3.  Begin directly above your ankle, and gently pull the razor upward in a straight line. Don't press the razor too hard -- it should glide along your skin’s surface. Rinse the razor after each stroke.

4.  Slow down when shaving around bony parts, such as knees, shins and ankles. Many girls that are first learning to shave stop just below the knee.

5.  Pat legs dry with a clean towel. Moisturize with unscented body lotion to keep razor burn at bay.

Girls’ Shaving Tip No. 4: Never Shave Your Arms

Shaving will only make the hair on your arms grow back darker and coarser. This goes for facial hair, too, girls. If this is a big concern, ask your parents about the option to bleach your arm hair.