Pair up for a Group Date!

You can tell he likes you, and you like him. But the whole dating experience is just too weird and awkward. So gather up a group of your friends -- girls and guys! -- for a group date and invite your crush along. This is a great way to shake a case of the nerves while still getting to know your best boy a little better.

Group Date Tip No 1: Pick a place.
First off, figure out where you and your friends can go to interact and have a good time. Think of it as a field trip but without the chaperones. A flick is not the best pick since you won’t be able to chat it up inside a movie theater. Instead, consider some of these great group date ideas:

  • Swimming either at a pool or nearby lake
  • Miniature golf or even the local gaming place
  • Pizza place or other inexpensive sit-down restaurant
  • Carnival if there’s one in town
  • Cookout in somebody’s backyard
  • Free concert or outdoor festival (check local papers)
  • Picnic lunch at a park -- pack a cooler!

Group Date Tip No. 2: Don’t call it a “date.”
OK, so you and your BFF have decided to go ahead and plan this group date outing, but if you don’t want to scare the boys away, avoid using the word “date,” which is a little anxiety-charged. It’s a lot less pressure (and probably won’t freak your parents out as much either) if you just say, “Hey, a bunch of us are getting together this weekend. It’ll be so much fun!”

Group Date Tip No. 3: Ditch the shyness.

Even if you normally clam up around boys, this is your shot at showing your crush the real you. The whole point of a group date is to be able to relax and do away with “date expectations.” Put on your most confident smile and kick up a conversation with that cutie. Talk to him just like you would chat it up with one of your girls.

Group Date Tip No. 4: Keep it safe.

Let your parents in on where you’ll be and make sure all your friends agree to stay together as a group. Establish a meeting time and place in case anyone gets separated, and exchange cell phone numbers before you head out. Heh … now he has your number!

The Beginner’s Guide to Dating Boys

Need a little help on how to, un-complicate “The Date”? Even if you don’t feel quite ready yet for your first date … you can tuck this stuff away for later.

“I’ve had lots of crushes but never a boyfriend. Is that normal?”
Maybe you’re still a little uncomfortable with the idea of going out with a boy, perhaps your parents won’t allow it, or it just so happens you haven’t been asked out on a date yet. Whatever the deal, there’s no “normal” age to start dating. If you think everybody is doing it, not so! It’s far better to wait until you and your parents have full confidence that it’s the right time. For now, you could hang out with boys and girls in groups. Why rush it?

“My crush asked me to the school dance, and my parents said I can go! What should I expect from my first date?”
You’ll probably have a much more pleasant date if you don’t have any expectations other than to be treated with respect. Once you’re out, just chat him up like you would a bud. This is simply a chance to get to know each other a little better. Sure, he’s cute and all -- but maybe you’ll figure out you two are better off keeping it in the friend zone. Or you could find you’re ready for an official boyfriend. Either way, dating isn’t nearly as nerve-racking as final exams so just relax and have fun.

“Shouldn’t I pretend to be into the same stuff he’s into so he’ll really like me?”
No! Don’t fake it. If you really are into what he likes, then sure, say so. Otherwise, it’s totally OK to have different interests, so be who you are. That said, it’s also fine to learn more about what gets him stoked if you have a genuine desire to do so. (e.g., “No, I’ve never played that video game, but maybe you could teach me!”) And never sell yourself short. Go right ahead and take his character down if it turns out you’re a natural at virtual martial arts. If a guy is intimidated by your strengths, that’s too bad for him.

Best Gifts for Your Favorite Boy

Whether it’s for the holidays or his birthday, figuring out the perfect prezzie for your boyfriend or best guy friend can be tough. That’s why we’ve come up with a foolproof list of fabulous things dudes love -- without putting too much of a pinch on your pocketbook.

Sporty Guy
Is your guy an extreme athlete or all-out fan? Get him a bobblehead of his fave athlete, a team T-shirt or a sports-themed video game. Some discount marts carry team merchandise, so shop there before hitting an expensive specialty store. Wanna hit a home run? Track down tickets to a game. If you can’t afford that, make handmade tix good for one-on-one basketball with you or a day of watching the big game on your family’s big-screen complete with a munch-down spread.

Tech Geek
Tech gadgets don’t come cheap, so turn your techie on to a little old-school stuff to challenge his forward-thinking brain. Give him a good classic sci-fi book (you know, with pages made of paper); make him a mixed CD he can download to his MP3; or pick up a Rubik’s Cube (around $10 at most toy stores).

Artsy Dude
If your boy is the creative type, hit the art supplies store and present him with a nice bouquet of pencils, markers and brushes wrapped with a piece of twine. Also get him a couple of sketch pads and do some artwork of your own or write something poetic on the first page. A guy like this might also appreciate some ceramic ware (handcrafted if you’re artistic too) along with a simple scented candle or incense from the dollar store.

Motor Head
If he doesn’t already collect model cars (or motorcycles or trucks), start a collection for him. Or purchase a quality tool, and give it to him with a ribbon around it and a nice note that says “You’re not just a tool.” You could also spring for a gift certificate to your nearest go-cart track since he has the need for speed. Mechanically inclined dudes almost always seem to be wired for the arcade, so you could always give him a small stocking stuffed with game tokens.

Wherefore Art Thou?

You like him but think he can’t be the guy because why? He’s older? Younger? He used to be your BFF’s crush? Fill in your details here. But guess what -- none of that makes a bit of diff.

Oh, Romeo, why must thou be younger than I am?
Let us first make this point with crystalline clarity: Huge age differences really are not appropriate when it comes to dating during your school years. But if he’s a mere grade below (or above) you -- so what? As long as you find that you two are compatible when it comes to maturity mojo, why sweat the birthdates? Refuse to play games, particularly when they involve irrelevant numbers.

Oh, Romeo, please do say you are not my brother’s best bud…
So you’ve fallen hard for your bro’s BFF? Sure, it might feel weird at first, especially if you’ve known this guy since forever but never really noticed him until now. Truth is, your sib might not be so keen on the idea of his pal kicking it with his sister. But if the crush is mutual, don’t let your brother sabotage it with silly ideas about who you should or shouldn’t be dating, OK?

Oh, Romeo, ’tis a far tougher thing than rival schools to keep us apart…
Juliet was hot for a guy in tights and buckled shoes because he was true and passionate, even though he was so very “wrong” for her. But by whose rules? Not love’s rules. You like who you like, and it doesn’t matter whether or not you go to the same school. End of story.

Oh, Romeo, a rose by any other name is still my best friend’s ex-crush…
You might be booting the prospect of an amazing potential BF out of your mind for a reason that seems intense but turns out to be a whole lotta nothing. Just do a quick check with your girl to be sure she isn’t still scribbling his name on the inside of her binder. As long as your friend is no longer ga-ga over the guy, there’s no good reason not to go for it. No more drama!

Doesn’t Hurt to Flirt!

Flirting isn’t so much about batting eyelashes but about giving a guy good attention and being yourself. Most of all? It’s about confidence! Here are a few tricks that’ll make you feel like you were born with the flirting gene … without going over the top. Because when it comes down to it, less is always more!

Whose Line Is It Anyway?
You know those hokey opening lines? For instance, guy goes up to girl and asks if she’s tired. She says, “No, why?” He says, “’Cause you’ve been running through my mind all day.” Do not go there! A simple “What’s up?” or “Did you see that new Facebook quiz?” will do.

Clean out Your Ears, Dears
So the guy you’re into tells you he’s stoked about his championship soccer game that’s coming up or that he loves a specific band. He’ll totally appreciate it if you remember these little details about his life. Next time you see him, ask about the big game or if he’s heard the band’s new CD.

Complement With a Compliment
You know how great it feels when a guy tells you he likes your smile? Here’s a shock: Guys like to get compliments too. So if his new swim shorts are super rad, let him know! Did he dazzle you with a tricky dive off the board? He’d love to hear that you think his skills are impressive. His ego likes to be stroked, because believe it or not, he needs to know you think he’s great.

Have Some Text Control
OK, so texting comes second nature to you. But when you see your crush in person, the cute banter you had over text is obsolete. Text is great to ask a quick question if it’s too late to call, but save the flirty jokes for face-to-face interaction. Never underestimate the power of good conversation and eye contact.

Let’s Not Play Make-believe
The most important rule of flirting? Never pretend to be someone you’re not. You want a guy who’s a good fit for you, not some “avatar” you’ve created. If you want to make a genuine connection with the right boy, you need to feel comfy in your own skin. Otherwise, he’s not worth your energy. Next!