Girl Power in Positive Thinking!

Hey, girl, you’ve got the power! Think you’re in a situation that’s completely hopeless? Perish the thought ... and rethink it. Here’s how.

Toxic Thought: “I’m flunking this class! I’m so stupid -- I’ll never make it out of middle school.”

Positive Thought: “I will improve this grade! I’m going to pass this class and I’m determined to focus on that goal.”

Think negative, and guess what -- that’s what you’re gonna get. Negative self-talk depletes you of the energy and motivation needed to do well. Certainly you can improve your grade to some degree from where it is now! So set a short-term goal, and once you’ve reached that, set another. Do what it takes: Get a study buddy, see your teacher after class, and talk to your parents about tutoring. Each time you get a better score on a paper or test, it’ll boost your confidence. And before you know it, you may even see an A!

Toxic Thought: “My BFF and I had a huge fight, and we’ll probably never speak to each other again!”

Positive Thought: “Friends do not always agree, and that’s OK. I love my BFF no matter what, so I’ll just give this time to cool off.”

You and your BFF had a spat? It’s not the end of the universe. Promise! Give each other some space to let the emotions wind down. Once you’re feeling in a positive frame of mind, approach her with an upbeat attitude. If it’s an issue that can be let go, well, let it go. There’s no purpose in dredging up past stuff. If it’s something that needs to be resolved, work toward a lighthearted compromise. Each of you could write down three perceived solutions, and then share them with each other to see what will work best for both of you. Maybe you can combine one of her solutions with yours, turning a conflict into a moment of cooperation!

Toxic Thought: “I hate my parents’ rules! They are so unfair. I swear they are trying to make my life miserable.”

Positive Thought: “I really think my parents are too strict, but I know they’re doing what they think is best for me.”

You can’t change anything until you first accept it the way it is. Instead of battling with your parents about their rules, show them that you respect their boundaries. If you really want to, say, negotiate a later curfew, approach them with maturity. You could ask for an extra half hour on a specific night. But check yourself before you do: Having a spaz attack will get you nowhere, while reasoning with them and showing that you have self-control just might do the trick. If not, give it a few weeks and try again. Good luck, positive thinker!

Foods to Boost Your Moods!

Scientists study some pretty cool stuff. Seriously -- they’ve even figured out what foods have the power to make you feel happier when you eat ’em. Read on to find out what packs the biggest mood-boosting punch -- along with yummy recipes to work more of them into your routine.

The Food: Walnuts
Whether homework overload or fights with your mom have been plucking your nerves, walnuts are your new BFF. When people snack on a few of these nuts each day, their bods actually get better at coping with stress.
The Fix: Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top of your cereal in the a.m., or use them to add crunch to ice cream or fro-yo.

The Food: Bell Peppers
These veggies are packed with vitamin C, which is shown to give a serious pick-me-up. Make sure to stick with the red and yellow ones, though -- green peppers don’t come with as much of the feel-good nutrient.
The Fix: Cut peppers into strips and dip them in your favorite hummus or yogurt dip.

The Food: Strawberries
These fruity kisses just happen to be loaded with a little something called folate, which helps your bod produce more of the blues-beating hormone serotonin.
The Fix: Treat yourself to a yummy smoothie by blending frozen strawberries with milk and a banana.

The Food: Toast
One whiff of this bad boy gets you feeling zen -- pronto. According to a recent study, the scent of toast makes people feel happy instantly!
The Fix: Skip dessert tonight. Instead, have a slice of toast with a chocolate-hazelnut spread.

The Food: Salmon
Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acid, a type of fat that’s actually good for you. Why? It boosts brain power and fights off depression.
The Fix: Make a salmon-salad wrap by mixing a can of drained salmon with some low-fat mayo and a bit of chopped celery, then roll it up in a flour tortilla.

The Food: Water
OK, so H2O isn’t technically a food -- but it can help perk up your day! Since dehydration causes fatigue and all-around crankiness, loading up on the clear liquid helps you avoid a case of the blahs.
The Fix: Throw a few fresh mint leaves in a glass of ice water and add a couple of squirts of lime juice for something you’ll love sipping all day long.

The Food: Chocolate
It’s true -- the sweet stuff really can reduce stress! The catch: It’s gotta be dark chocolate. Also, you probably want to stick to 1 ounce a day so you don’t overload on sugar.
The Fix: Melt down a bar in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds until smooth. Then dip pretzels, marshmallows -- whatever! -- and let them sit on wax paper until hardened.

Quiz: Are You Being Your Best You?

Nobody’s perfect. In fact, you’re fine exactly the way you are! But everybody has room for improvement -- it’s a never-ending journey. Take this quiz to find out if you’re giving it your all ... or not so much.

11 Fab Goals to Reach in 2011!

Go-to resolutions -- like stepping up your fitness routine or getting better grades --- are cool and all, but you’re gonna have to get a little more creative if you want to make 2011 your best year yet. Print this list out and tape it to your bedroom wall, then watch your year get more and more awesome as you check each one off!

1. Learn the Constellations
Stargazing just got a whole lot easier thanks to a super-cool app called Star Walk ($2.99 for iPhones and Androids). Just hold your phone up to the night sky and the app’ll find all the constellations for you. 

2. Shoot a Music Video

Gather a few of your girls and rock out to your favorite tunes -- while a digital camera records the results. (Just switch it to movie mode first.) Voila! You have an MTV-worthy vid that’ll make Lady Gaga look lame.

3. Meet a Real-life Author
Since writers do book tours whenever they come out with a new read, it’s actually really easy to meet one. Just check the events calendar at your local bookstore or public library to see when one of your faves is going to be in town. Then take your favorite book of theirs along so you can get a personalized autograph!

4. Start Your Novel
Now that you’ve met an author, you can start working on your own book. Think of each chapter as a new short story and feel free to write them out of order -- it'll make the process that much easier, and it’s what tons of pros do.

5. Update Your Playlist
The coolest (and cheapest) way to stock up on tunes? Host a playlist swap. Invite your girls over and ask them to bring their CD collections. Then lay them all out in your living room and have fun chatting as you figure out who gets to borrow which ones to upload to their computers at home that night. Or, you can all bring your laptops to swap then and there!

6. Host a Wicked-cool Outdoor Movie Night
Pick a theme (say, Harry Potter movies or RPattz flix). Rent a couple of DVDs that work with it, take a laptop and a few blankets outside on a warm night, and prepare to have one very awesome movie marathon with a few of your girls.

7. Form a Club
Whether you want to get an anti-bullying group going or find a place to play Rock Band every Wednesday, talk to your guidance counselor to get it started. You can also chat with your parents about having meetings in your basement.

8. Feng Shui Your Room
According to this Eastern philosophy, you can boost your positive vibes just by rearranging your furniture. Get started by taking all electronics -- including your TV, computer and cell phone -- out of your room. Then, move your bed to a spot that’s not in line with any doors. (That creates a negative energy-flow.)

9. Discover the Best Takeout in Town
Instead of ordering in from the same spot every week (bo-ring!), ask the fam if you can switch things up. Create scorecards so you can grade each new restaurant on each dish you order. Soon, you’ll find the hands-down best spot. 

10. Hear “Love That Bag!” All the Time
How? By creating your own! Just buy a blank canvas tote and iron-on transfer paper from an art supply store. Then create a black and white design on your computer, print it out on a transfer sheet and have Mom or Dad help you iron it onto the bag. So cute!

11. Be Your BFF's Stylist
And let her be yours! Go shopping together, and then pick out a few outfits for each other that are way diff than what you two would normally wear. Then hit the dressing rooms and have fun modeling all of your new looks for each other.

Ditch the Stress!

Being stressed makes everything harder: You’re less likely to focus in class, more likely to fight with your BFF, and you might even get sick. To get your carefree self back, here are some cool ways to help you relax. Some of them might sound wacky, but they work! So get ready to try something new ... and ditch the stressed-out you.

Be a Poser

Girls who do yoga feel strong, focused and self-confident. Yoga is all about being kind to yourself. It helps you live “in the moment” instead of dwelling on yesterday (ugh, you tripped in the cafeteria) or tomorrow (big algebra test coming up). Plus, we love all those cute animal names for poses, like Camel, Monkey and Downward-facing Dog. Ready to strike a pose? Grab a DVD or search “yoga for kids” online. You’ll be stretching your way to serenity in no time.

Color Your World

Ever hear of looking at life through “rose-colored glasses”? They really exist! Some people use color therapy (treatment with tinted lenses or lights) to ward off depression. You don’t have to go that far, but remember that your environment can affect your emotions. Blue is soothing, pink is playful and yellow is energizing. So whether you’re picking an outfit or decorating your room, surround yourself with happy hues.

Clear Your Head

Smart girls like you have lots of “chatter” going on in their brains. Try meditating to calm your mind. It can be as simple as closing your eyes, breathing deeply and repeating a single word for a few minutes. (Pick a word like “happiness” and not your crush’s name so you don’t defeat the purpose!) Or lie on the floor, turn on some classical music or nature sounds, and imagine the most beautiful place you can think of.

Lighten up

Some people are extra-sensitive to the changing of the seasons, especially when it’s dark and dreary outside. If that’s you, you might need more light in your life. Be sure to spend time outside every day: Walk to school, shovel snow (your parents will love it) or ride your bike. Bonus: Aerobic exercise, whether it’s indoors or out, is a proven stress reducer!

Be Nosy

Some smells can trigger a positive response in your brain, so try aromatherapy! Scents like lavender, cinnamon and ylang-ylang could help you relax and sleep better. On the other hand, grapefruit and peppermint will wake you up. Instead of buying essential oils, which can be potent and expensive, go for scented candles and bath products. Or you can sip a cup of chamomile tea before bed. Sweet dreams!